09 January 2017

Sydney Water will soon start repair work on wastewater pipes, storm pipes and maintenance holes along Gilmore and Dempster Streets and Cliff Road in Wollongong, Member for Wollongong, Paul Scully said today.


The work includes:


  • inspecting and repairing maintenance holes
  • inspecting wastewater pipes with closed circuit television (CCTV)
  • cleaning pipes
  • installing structural liners in pipes
  • rehabilitating stormwater junctions
  • excavation work
  • establishing a small site compound for the duration of work.


Work is planned to start from mid-January to April 2017 for the Gilmore and Dempster Streets project, weather permitting, and work hours will be 7 am to 6 pm Monday to Friday and 8 am to 1 pm on Saturdays. No work is planned on Sundays or public holidays.


Work for Cliff Road is planned to start in mid-January 2017 to June 2017.  The same hours of work will apply.


Some out of hours work will be required and customers will be notified before the start of night work.


This work will not affect water or wastewater services.


Affected residents, businesses and the local council will be notified of this work.


This work is part of Sydney Water’s SewerFix program to help protect public health and the environment.